Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?

Closing Time

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It’s time to close the doors.  They’ve been shut for a while now, but I want to turn the lock and make it official.  This is the final post.  I may reopen the shop somewhere else in the future, but for now, I have quit blogging and Quadrivium is closed forever.

Rather than just disappear, I wanted to at least post an explanation before I fade out completely.  Over the last eighteen months, things have shifted to the point where blogging became more of an inconvenience than a pleasure.  I work two jobs to pay the bills, which leaves little time for family and other professional endeavors.  When I write, I have to prioritize.  Every time I make a promise to post more material, I end up having to break it, and while it’s likely there’s no one left around these parts to care, it’s still something that lingers over my head.

There’s that, and there’s the fact that I am not the same person I was when I started blogging six years ago.  I used to thrive on media consumption, and most of what I used to consume has turned sour in my mouth.  There are several things I’ve written in the archives (both here and the other places I’ve set up shop) that I no longer believe, and few things I wish I had never written at all.

I would like to return to blogging some time in the future, with better words and a greater sense of purpose.  For the time being, other things have to come first.

Thanks for reading.  It has been fun.

Written by taj

January 10, 2011 at 10:12 pm

Posted in General

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