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Archive for May 9th, 2007

Introducing “Smash Cuts”

with 3 comments

I want to try and get into writing movie reviews again.  They’re only going to run three or four paragraphs for now—I have a hard time getting a review to read the way I want it to read, so I am starting small. 

On a whim, I decided I needed a way to diversify the posts, and since “Short Cuts” was already taken, “Smash Cuts”—which refers to a marker used in screenplays to dictate an abrupt transition—stepped in to fill the need.  As near as I can tell after a quick run through Google, no one’s copyrighted the name for a similar purpose.  Maybe I’ll sell a column. 

Really, it’s something to satisfy the need to write and improve on the craft and be a geek at the same time.  I’ll have one posted shortly.  Feel free to provide feedback.   

Written by taj

May 9, 2007 at 4:15 pm